General Physics 2 with laboratory (the English translation of "Fisica generale II con laboratorio")

General Physics 2 with laboratory (traduzione in inglese del programma di Fisica generale II con laboratorio) - cdl in Ingegneria Elettronica


prof.ssa Barbara DE LOTTO






The course objective is to consolidate some of the objectives introduced in the “Fisica Generale 1” course, giving the concepts, the physical quantities and methods of the Physics of Electromagnetism in presence of electrical and magnetic fields variable in time. The oscillatory phenomena will be reviewed and the wave propagation will be introduced. In the second part of the course the Optical Physics will be introduced: reflection, interference and diffraction phenomena will be discussed. The physical concepts and laws will be applied in the resolution of simple problems and in the laboratory experiences. Whenever possible the connections with the research in Fundamental and applied Physics will be discussed, in order to let the students understand the deep connection between science and technology. In the last part of the course, depending on the time available, a brief introduction to the concepts of modern Physics will be given, particularly related to the items of interest for Electronic Engineering.

Acquired skills

- Understanding of Physics terminology.
- Evaluating the fundamental laws of Physics for the problem solving.
- Recognizing the limits of validity of the theoretical models.
- Evaluation of Physics quantities..

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Introduction: summary of electrostatics and magnetostatics (2 hours).
Variable electric and magnetic fields: the Faraday-Lenz law, inductance, magnetic energy, the Ampère-Maxwell law, differential form of the Maxwell equations (14 hours).
Magnetic properties of matter: magnetic properties of matter( 2 hours).
Introduction to modern Physics- 1: relativity in electromagnetic fields (2 hours).
Introduction to the wave phenomenon: armonic waves, differential equation of waves; mechanical waves, velocity of propagation; transversal and longitudinal waves; transmitted energy (6 hours).
Electromagnetic field and electromagnetic waves: the electromagnetic wave equation, the Poynting vector, intensity of the electromagnetic wave, radiation pressure (8 hours).
Optics: reflection, refraction, interference, polarization and diffraction of light (6 hours).
Introduction to modern Physics- 2: the nature of light and matter; particlelike properties of radiation, thermal radiation, the photoelectric effect, the Compton effect, waves and photons; wavelike properties of matter (4 hours).
Introduction to modern Physics- 3: applications in the current research in fundamental and applied physics (2 hours).
Exercises (12 hours).
Labs (12 hours).
Tutorials/Seminars (2 hours).


- Resnick-Halliday-Krane, Physics, vol. 2., Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

Type of exam

Written and oral

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