Mathematical Analysis II - 1st module (the English translation of "Analisi matematica II - 1° modulo")

Mathematical Analysis II - 1st module (traduzione in inglese del programma di Analisi matematica II - 1° modulo) - cdl in Ingegneria Elettronica (mutuato dal cdl in Ingegneria Gestionale)


prof.ssa aggr. Giuseppina Gerarda BARBIERI






The course provides the inecessary mathematical methods for the engineering applications by the study of differential and integral calculus.

Acquired skills

- Acquisition of the concept of limit and continuity for multiple variable functions.
- To be able to correctly solve free and constrained optimization problems.
- To be able to handle with the properties of implicit functions.
- Knowledge of multiple integrals and of integration methods.
- Knowledge of vector fields and their integral and differential relations.

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Foundations of functional analysis: metric spaces; contractions and fixed point theorems; normed spaces and Banach spaces; Hilbert spaces (8 hours).
Differential calculus and optimization: limits, continuity, differentiability, derivative with respect to a vector, gradient; higher order derivatives and Taylor formula, free extrema; implicit function theorem and consequences, local invertibility, constrained extrema (26 hours).
Integral calculus: Lebesgue measure and integration, multiple integrals and reduction theorems, change of variables, line and surface integrals (14 hours).
Differential forms: exact forms, the Gauss-Green theorem, Stokes theorem (12 hours).
Exercises (20 hours).


- Canuto, Tabacco, Analisi Matematica II, Ed. Springer, 2008
- Salsa, Squellati, Esercizi di Analisi matematica 2, Ed. Zanichelli, 2011
- Giusti, Analisi Matematica 2, Bollati Boringhieri

Type of exam

Written and oral

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