Signal Theory and Telecommunications (the English translation of "Teoria dei Segnali e comunicazioni elettriche")
prof. Roberto RINALDO
This course provides the basic tools related to Signal Theory and Electrical Communications. In particular, we will consider continuous-time and discrete-time signals, Fourier analysis, transformations of signals and the Sampling Theorem. These notions will be used for the analysis of the fundamental elements of a transmission system and for the evaluation of its performance, in the presence of noise. We will consider analog modulation systems (SSB, DSB, AM, FM) as well as digital baseband and passband modulation systems (PAM, QAM, PSK). The course includes exercises related to digital filtering.
Acquired skills
- Fourier analysis for analog and discrete time signals, also periodic.
- Transformations between signals (filters and general linear transformations).
- The Sampling Theorem for the digitization of analog signals.
- Models of Analog/Digital and Digital/Analog converters.
- Analyze the characteristics of telecommunication systems, both analog and digital.
- Tools for quantitative analysis of telecommunication systems.
- Simulation of elementary telecommunications systems, both analog and digital.
- Evaluate the performance of transmission systems in terms of signal/noise ratio and probability of error.
- Evaluate the effects of quantization.
Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
Continuos and discrete time signals: domains of the signals; periodic signals; area, length, energy of a signal; convolution of signals; ideal impulses (8 hours).
Fourier Analysis: study in the frequency domain; Fourier transform; Parseval's theorem; frequency response of a filter (12 hours).
Transformations of signals: definition of a transformation; linear transformations; filters as linear and time invariant transformation; dual transformations and analysis in the frequency domain (18 hours).
Sampling theorem: Shannon sampling theorem; numeric conversion of an analog signal; ADC and DAC converters (6 hours).
Random Processes: summary of Probability Theory; random processes; stationary and ciclostationary random processes; correlation and spectral density; spectral analysis in systems; Guassian Random Processes (8 hours).
Noise: noise in telecommunication systems; thermal, shot and flicker noise; thermal noise in circuits; noise figure of a two-port network (8 hours).
Analog Modulation: characterization of the radio channel in free space; Linear modulations, DSB, SSB, VSB; frequency division multiplexing and use of the frequency spectrum; amplitude and frequency modulation (6 hours).
Quantization: analog/digital conversion; uniform quantization and quantizer SNR evaluation; time division multiplexing (6 hours).
Transmission channels: transmission channels; cables, power attenuation and frequency response (6 hours).
Exercises: exercises and problems about various aspects of telecommunications (12 hours).
- Course notes by the teacher
- G. Calvagno, G. Pierobon, R. Rinaldo, Comunicazioni Elettriche, Edizioni Libreria Progetto, Padova
Type of exam
Written and oral
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