Drawing and Comupter Aided Design (Disegno e disegno automatico)

Drawing and Comupter Aided Design (Disegno e disegno automatico) - cdl in Ingegneria Civile


Dott. Enrico PEZ





Acquired skills

- Basics of geometric representation
- Projection methods, systems of representation and graphics conventions
- Be able to represent simple objects and construction elements of civil engineering
- Comprehension of the problems of Aided Design and differences with traditional Drawing
- Expertise of Aided Design methodologies in architectural and engineering them - Basics of BIM systems


Introduction General model of representation, projection systems. Aims of the course (2 hours)
Instruments, codes, graphic conventions Drafting instruments. Typelines, drawing scales, dimensioning, standardising, representation of construction elements. (4 hours)Descriptive representation of objects Multiview orthographic projections; representation of geometric fundamental entities, representation of plane figures, prisms and pyramids, plane sections, cone-shaped surfaces, surfaces of revolution. (12 hours)
General representation of objects Orthogonal and oblique axonometries; isometric axonometry, dimetric and trimetric axonometries, 45° axonometry. Perspective with vertical picture plane; construction methods of perspective drawing, reference frame, choice of station point. (5 hours)
Representation of physical topography of the terrain Top orthogonal projection with representation of elevations, contour lines, profiles, exemples concerning with surfece configuration of the terrain and handmade objects. (12 hours)
Drawing exercises Solution of problems concerning the use of the projection systems and the conventional methods of drafting practice. (15 hours)
Principles of vectorial design Coordinate systems and digital codification; Definition of points;Drawing objects: lines, arcs, splines; Fundamental operations on the objects: selection, transformation and copy of forms and objects; Organization of working spaces in a CAD software; Main commands: Draw and Edit bars, Osnap. (4 hours)
Organization of computer aided design Object and parametric CAD systems; Organization of digital drawing: layers and objects properties; The measure and automatic analysis of the model; Use and limits of the models. (4 hours)
Setting and plot of layouts Personalization of working space: files template and profile; Working planes and plot layout; Drawing scales and units; Window command. 5 Drawing creation Top-down and Bottom-up procedures; Rationalization of rapresentation; 4 Dimensions and texts Text styles; Dimension styles; Blocks and groups; Creation and plot of symbols for the design. (2 hours)
Interoperability and plot Raster and vectorial files; Plot quality: printers and plotters, plot styles, plot and drawing scales, plot on raster file. (2 hours)
BIM systems CAD and BIM softwares categories; Building model concept in BIM softwares; Input and output procedures in BIM systems. (4 hours)
Exercises (15 hours)


- Docci M., Gaiani M., Maestri D., 2011, Scienza del disegno, Torino: Città Studi Edizioni
- Bandera C., Pavan L., 1984, Appunti di disegno, Udine: CLUF
- Migliari R., 2000, Fondamenti della rappresentazione geometrica e informatica dell'architettura, Roma: Edizioni Kappa
- Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione, 2002, Norme per il disegno tecnico. M1 - voll. 1, 2, 3, Milano: UNI
- Florian C., 2008, Rappresentazione vettoriale e disegno di architettura – Orrendering e labirinti digitali, Napoli: Liguori
- Mitchell W. J., Mc Cullough M., 1995, Digital Design Media, New York: John Wiley & Sons
- Petruzzi R. (a cura di), 2004, La rappresentazione digitale del progetto architettonico, Udine: Editrice Leonardo
- Ching F. D. K., 1998, Design Drawing, New York: John Wiley & Sons
- Osello A., 2012, Il futuro del disegno con il BIM per ingegneri e architetti, Palermo: Dario Flaccovio Editore
- Florian C., Pez E., 2013, Palladio@Uniud. Un percorso di Tecniche della rappresentazione, Napoli: Liguori

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