Pumps, compressors, turbines and power plants (the English translation of "Macchine")

Pumps, compressors, turbines and power plants (traduzione in inglese del programma di Macchine) - cdl in Ingegneria Meccanica


prof. Gianmario ARNULFI


12 CFU




Fundamentals of turbines, pumps, fans and compressors: fluid dynamics, thermo dynamics and how they work. Fundamentals of pumping and compression systems, hydraulic and thermal power plants, internal combustion engines; performance, control and environmental impact (outline).

Acquired skills

- Lexicon correctness.
- Sketches of these machines and how they work.
- Schematic of the main kinds of power plants and pumping systems: analysis and comparison.
- Understanding how internal combustion engines work and their auxiliary equipments

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Introduction: categorization and working way. Mass, energy and momentum conservation; reaction ratio; specific speed (12 hours).
Axial turbines: Pelton wheel and Kaplan turbine; orizontal axis wind turbine; De Laval, Curtis, Rateau and Parsons turbines (24 hours).
Other axial turbomachines: axial pump, fan and compressor (12 hours).
Radial turbomachines: Francis turbine, inward flow radial gas turbine, Darrieus wind turbine, crossflow fan, centrifugal pump, fan and compressor (12 hours).
Positive displacement machines: reciprocating pump and compressor; gear, sliding vanes, screw, scroll and roots machines (12 hours).
Pumping systems: arrangements; off-design performance; similitude; plant interaction, cavitation, stall and surge (12 hours).
Power plants: hydropower (run-of-river, storage) plants; steam cycle plants and gas turbines, arrangements and components; combined and STIG cycles (24 hours).
Internal combustion engines: air and fuel supply; ignition and combustion; cooling and lubrication; performance (12 hours).
Exercises (40 hours).


- Lectures notes
- P. Pinamonti, L. Casarsa, Corso di macchine a fluido, 2003
- R. Della Volpe, Macchine, Ed. Liguori, Napoli, 1994
- G.L. Arnulfi, Introduzione alle macchine a fluido, Ed. Forum, Udine, 2003
- G.L. Arnulfi, Esercizi di macchine a fluido e sistemi energetici, Ed. Forum, Udine, 2003
- L. Casarsa, Esercizi di macchine a fluido, 2003

Type of exam

Written and oral

Additional material or information on line