Bridge Constructions

Programma dell'insegnamento di Bridge Constructions - cdl magistrale in Ingegneria Civile





Reinforced concrete, pre-stressed concrete and composite steel-concrete bridges. Finite element modelling of bridges. Design of piers, abutments and foundations. Structural bearings, expansion joints and anti-seismic devices. Bridges retrofitting.

Acquired skills

The students will be able to design reinforced concrete, pre-stressed concrete and composite steel-concrete bridges. The students will also be able to design retrofitting of existing bridges.


Introduction: Objectives and program of the course, references. (2 h)

Road bridges: Types of road bridges. The elements of a road bridge. Organization of roadbed. Road bridge loads according to Italian D.M. 14.01.2008. Pre-design of the structural elements. Serviceability and ultimate limit state verifications. Seismic verifications. Local verification and construction detailing. (6 h)

Railway bridges: Types of railway bridges. The elements of a railway bridge. Organization of railway. Railway bridge loads according to Italian D.M. 14.01.2008. Pre-design of the structural elements. Serviceability and ultimate limit state verifications. Seismic verifications. Local verification and construction detailing. (6 h)

Analysis of bridge deck: Theory of influence lines. Analysis of beam grids and orthotropic plates by the Engesser-Courbon method and by the Massonnet-Bares method. (4 h)

Design of composite steel-concrete bridge deck: Types of composite steel-concrete bridge decks. Pre-design methods. Serviceability and ultimate limit state design and verifications. Construction detailing. (4 h)

Design of bridge abutments and piers: Types of bridge abutments and piers. Actions on bridge abutments and piers. Serviceability and ultimate limit state design and verifications. (4 h)

Design of bridge foundation:  Types of bridge foundations. Actions on foundation. Geotechnical aspects. Foundation piles. Construction detailing. (4)
Structural bearings, expansion joints and anti-seismic devices:  Types of structural bearings. Types of expansion joints. Types of anti-seismic devices. Construction detailing. Pre-design methods. (4 h)

Introduction to finite element method: Introduction to finite element method. Modelling of composite steel-concrete bridges. (4 h)

Bridge retrofitting:  Existing bridges rehabilitation. A case study. (4 h)


Design of a composite steel-concrete bridge deck. Design of a concrete slab. Design of a bridge abutment. Pre-design of anti-seismic devices. Finite element modelling of a composite steel-concrete bridge. (10 h)


- M. P. Petrangeli, “Progettazione e costruzione di ponti”, Masson Editore, Milano, 1997
- P. Matildi, M. Mele, “Impalcati a piastra ortotropa ed in sistema misto acciaio – calcestruzzo”, Collana tecnico scientifica per la progettazione di strutture in acciaio, Tamburini Editore, Milano, 1972
- F. De Miranda, “Ponti a struttura d’acciaio”, Collana tecnico scientifica per la progettazione di strutture in acciaio, Tamburini Editore, Milano, 1972
- F. De Miranda, “I ponti strallati di grande luce”, Edizioni scientifiche A. Cremonese, Roma, 1980
- A. Raithel, “Costruzioni di ponti”, Liguori Editore, Napoli, 1977
- M. Cavalieri, A. Cavalieri, “Ponti”, Dario Flaccovio Editore, Palermo, 2008
- M. Arici, E. Siviero, “Nuovi orientamenti per la progettazione di ponti e viadotti”, Dario Flaccovio Editore, Taormina, 2008
- C. Modena, P. Franchetti, C. Pellegrino, O. Bergamo, “Linee guida per la progettazione e l’esecuzione di ponti a travata”, 2003
- C. Modena, P. Franchetti, M. Grendene, “Linee guida per la progettazione e l’esecuzione di ponti in zona sismica, 2004
- G. Ballio, C. Bernuzzi, “Progettare costruzioni in acciaio”, Hoepli, Milano, 2004
- E. Giangreco, “Teoria e tecnica delle costruzioni, Liguori Editore, Napoli, 2003
- T. Paulay, M.J.N. Priestly, “Seismic design of reinforced concrete and masonry buildings”, John Wiley and Sons, 1992

Type of exam

Written and oral