Complexity Management (the English translation of "Gestione dei sistemi complessi" )

Complexity Management (traduzione in inglese del programma di Gestione dei sistemi complessi) - cdl magistrale in Ingegneria Gestionale


prof. Alberto Felice DE TONI






The course aims to provide the basic elements of complexity as decision support systems for organisational and strategic management. It will then illustrate the strategic formulation of the production system and its links with other levels of the strategy. The course will provide the tools to design and manage an integrated supply chain, analyse and evaluate alternative strategic scenarios, analyse and design organisational models of production and management of the complex organisational systems.

Acquired skills

- Management of complex systems.
- Analysis and evaluation of alternative scenarios.
- Analysis and design of organizational and strategic models.
- Innovation management.

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Complexity management: complexity principles; managerial complexity principles; edge of cas strategic model; business ecosystems (12 hours).
Self organization: emergence; self-organization in physical systems; self-organization in living systems; self-organization in social systems; self-organization in companies (12 hours).
Strategy and business models: introduction to strategy; business model design (10 hours).
Innovation management:  introduction to innovation; design driven innovation; open innovation; collective innovation (8 hours).
Technology management and foresight: technology foresight; corporate foresight; technology management and roadmapping  (8 hours)
Tutorials/Seminars (10 hours).


- Lectures notes
- A.F De Toni, A. Barbaro "Visione evolutiva", ETAS, 2011
- A.F. De Toni, L. Comello, L. Ioan "Auto-organizzazioni. Il mistero dell'emergenza nei sistemi fisici, biologici e sociali" Marsilio Editore, 2011
- A.F. De Toni, L. Comello, “Viaggio nella complessità”, Marsilio Editore, 2008
- A.F. De Toni, L. Comello, “Prede o ragni. Uomini ed organizzazioni nella ragnatela della complessità”, UTET, 2005

Type of exam

Written and oral

Additional material or information on line