Electrical Science 2 (the English translation of "Elettrotecnica - II modulo")
prof. Francesco TREVISAN
The course provides a preliminary understanding of electrical engineering and is directed to a specialist in non-electrical engineering, transmitting the necessary basic knowledge of electromagnetic field theory and electric circuits, with application to electrical systems and an electrical machines.
Acquired skills
- Capability of analising simple electrical networks with lumped parameters of II order.
- Principles of Electromachanics.
Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
Magnetic circuits: magnetic circuits, flux tubes of magnetic induction, magneto-motive force, magentic scalar potential, reluctance and permeance, Hopkinson law (8 hours).
Analysis of transients: analysis of transients (6 hours).
Electromachanical principles: rotating electrical machines, electromechanical conversion of energy; 1D model: e.m.f., power balances (4 hours).
Three-phase networks: three-phase systems and networks; three-phase generators and loads; three-phase power and measurements; power factor correction (6 hours).
Security of electrical systems: Earth. TT, TN and IT systems (6 hours).
Exercises (8 hours).
- e.book of "Appunti dalle lezioni" (Lectures notes)
- P. Lorrain, D.P. Corson, F. Lorrain, "Electromagnetic Fields and Waves", Freeman and Company, New York
- M. Guarnieri, A. Stella: "Principi ed Applicazioni di Elettrotecnica", Vol. 1°, Ed. Libreria Progetto, Padova
- Chua, Desoer, Khu, “Circuiti Lineari e non Lineari”, Jackson libri
Type of exam
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