
Supervisori: Prof. Pucillo e Prof.ssa Frossi

3D models of tissue organ culture to study the role of probiotics and postbiotics in inflammatory gut disorders

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common malignancies in the world.
It is already known that immune system plays a critical role in its development and progression, as well as dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiota is supposed to be closely related to colorectal cancer. Nowdays, gut microbial derived metabolites are on interest because they can exert diverse immunomodulatory effects influencing both the maintenance of the intestinal homeostasis and the worsening of the disease. However, the interactions occurring among immune cells and microbiota metabolites, and their impact on CRC, are still under investigation. A more detailed understanding of immune cells-microbiota-intestinal epithelium cross-talk and its effect on CRC is crucial and it will facilitate the therapeutic approaches. For these reasons, the aim of my project is to evaluate these interactions, focusing specifically on mast cells’ (MC) and short chain fatty acids’ (SCFA) effects on mice-derived colon tumoral organoids.
Initially, in our in vitro system, we want to investigate the presence of reciprocal influence among MC and tumoral organoids. Secondly, we will evaluate the impact of SCFA in modulating those interactions and lastly, our aim is to validate the obtained data also in the human context.