
  • BARUFFALDI Alma (Dr.ssa Maestro) Twist1/MDM2 interplay in the pathogenesis of sarcomas
    BERTOZZO Alessio (Prof. Brancolini) Characterization of epigenetic re-organization in tumor context using bioinformatic techniques
    CARPI Giada (Prof. Beltrami) EXTREMEHEART-EXTRacellular vEsicle-mediated transplantation of Mitochondria to rEscue end-stage failing HEARTs
    CECCHIN Eleonora
    CRICCHI Emanuele (Prof. Brancolini) Investigation on epigenetic complexes overseeing articulate decisions on cell fate in human health. Finanziamento PNRR M4C1 Inv. 4.1 D.M. 118/2023. 
    MALLOZZI Jacopo Maria (Dr.ssa Schiappacassi, Dr.ssa Spessotto e Dr. Baldassare) Unveiling SGK2's Role in Ovarian Cancer Progression and Chemoresistance
    MANFRE' Valeria (Prof. Quartuccio) Evaluation of the secretagogue effect of PDE4 inhibitors on human salivary gland organoids obtained from primary Sjögren’s syndrome patients. Programma Regionale FSE+ 2021/2027 della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Pianificazione periodica delle operazioni – PPO 2023, Programma specifico n. 22/23 – Sostegno all’alta formazione del sistema universitario regionale, LINEA A – Dottorati di ricerca.
    PELIZZARI Giacomo
    VESCA Giorgia
  • ZAMPROGNO Elisa (Prof.ssa Lippe) Mitochondrial F-ATP synthase-CyPD complex and its involvement in the opening of the permeability transition pore

AGOSTINI Francesca (Prof.ssa Rapozzi e Dr. Di Giorgio) Chromatin remodeling at the crossroad of metabolic reprogramming and oncogenesis.
BELLINA Alessia (Prof. Tell) Investigating non canonical DNA-RNA secondary structures: from their repair mechanism to their role in the miRNA processing pathway.
BIANCO Rachele (Prof.ssa Parpinel) Novel image-based dietary assessment tools; the role of the machine learning approaches for food recognition and nutritional evaluation in epidemiological studies.
CAPEZZALI Eleonora (Prof.ssa Frossi) Detailed dissection of immune infiltrate in tumour microenvironment of colorectal cancer to build a new target for innovative therapies, with a single-cell analysis approach.
DE MARTINO Maria (Prof.ssa Isola) Standard and non-standard statistical inference for discovery-driven research in biological and clinical field.
GAVA Chiara (Dr.ssa Spessotto) Loss-of-Function Screening of the Druggable Genome to Identify New Therapeutic Targets in Luminal Breast Cancer.
MASTEGAR MOGHADDAM POORBAGHER Mahsa (Dr.ssa Maestro) Maintaining genome integrity is essential for cells to survive. Chromosome aberrations, mutations, and DNA damage can cause genomic instability.
MILAN Noemi (Dr.ssa Cecchin) Integrated pharmacological approach to support a more precise drug prescription in oncology.
MURACA Valentina (Prof.ssa Corazza e Prof.ssa Lippe) Studying the molecular mechanisms of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore formation by nuclear magnetic resonance.

CORTOLEZZIS Ylenia (Prof. Xodo e Dr. Di Giorgio) Identification of epigenetic regulators of DNA/RNA G4 folding during oncogenesis.
EQUISOAIN Redin (Dr. Vascotto) Molecular approach for mRNA profiling of antisense ONs in Huntington disease and cancer cellular models
FRONZA Filippo (Prof. Schneider) Green Molecular Diagnostics Lab.
MALAVASI Eleonora (Prof. Brancolini e Dr.ssa Gagliano) Development of novel anti-neoplastic approaches to reduce the impact of mutagenic-carcinogenic chemotherapeutics in the environment.
MCHALE Joshua James (Dr. Vascotto) Live confocal microscopy approaches for evaluation of oligonucleotide delivery.
POLACCHINI Giulia (Prof.ssa Colitti) L’utilizzo della nutraceutica e lo sviluppo di alimenti funzionali.
RICCI Carolina (Prof. Pucillo) Relationship between microenvironment and immune system: context-dependent characteristics of B lymphocytes
STEFENATTI Linda (Dr.ssa Spessotto e Dr. Baldassarre) Non-mutational mechanism of Platinum resistance in ovarian cancer. 
TREVISAN Caterina (Prof. Pucillo e Prof.ssa Frossi) 3D models of tissue organ culture to study the role of probiotics and postbiotic in Inflammatory Gut Disorders.
URSELLA Caterina (Prof. Grassi) Cycling for Health and Enviroment: un piano per favorire la mobilità sostenibile e migliorare la salute a Udine.
ZERBO Giulia (Dr.ssa Maestro) Definition of molecular determinants in microGIST to GIST progression.