Elenco progetti PRIN 2022

Per dipartimento

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- MARMOT - Modular Alpine Robotic MOnitoring Tools
- Models, sets and classifications
- S-TWIN - The auditory digital twin of a cochlear implant: framework requirements for immersive sonic interactions with children
- 2DOrNotToBe - 2D biOmimetic mateRials: bifuNctiOnaliTy, charge Transfer, and dynamics fOr rechargeable metal-air BattEries
- EXTRA EYE - Egocentric and eXocenTRic views for An object-level human bEhavior analYsis and undErstanding through tracking in complex spaces
- STENDHAL - Spatio-Temporal Enhancement of Neural nets for Deeply Hierarchical Automatised Logic
- MoT – The Measure of Truth: An Evaluation-Centered Machine-Human Hybrid Framework for Assessing Information Truthfulness
- MUSMA - Multimedia Understanding meets Social Media Analysis
- PRIDE - Proliferation, Resistance and Infection Dynamics in Epidemics
- Pattern formation in nonlinear phenomena

- ON-COLOUR - Investigating vascular predictors of poor visual outcome in the multidisciplinary management of immune-mediated optic neuritis
- Long-COVID syndrome: pathophysiology of the impaired exercise tolerance

- SMARTsports - Statistical Models and AlgoRiThms in sports. Applications in professional and amateur contexts, with able-bodied and disabled athletes.
- Weather and Climate Vulnerability in Italian Demographic History
- Integrazione tra il posto di lavoro fisico e virtuale
- CLIWEP – Climbing the Waste Hierarchy: Enabling Factors and Policies
- Organizing for resilience: how do networks and firms face adversities?
- The contribution of Humane Entrepreneurship and Purpose-Driven Companies to reimagine Capitalism

- CarNet-PAR
- Looking for the agro-environmental friendly dairy farm
- Improving plant resilience to adverse environments: identification of novel potential epigenetic drugs using an abiotic-stress-based screening in plants
- Unveiling the plant exposome to dissect a multifactorial disease: the kiwifruit decline
- PanBiOak
- CenVolution
- Fighting the waste of food undergoing oxidation through the development of a scientific-based approach for date marking
- Functionalized buffalo milk with a One-health approach: from animal precision feeding to cardiometabolic risk prevention in type 2 diabetes
- UPea - Upcycling pea waste side streams for developing future food ingredients
- Improvement of assessment at individual level of feed efficiency and methane emissions: From research to cattle breeding
- Dissecting the phloem response to a phloem-limited pathogen in grapevine
- Defining gene regulation and coregulation at single cell resolution in grapevine

Rethinking Digital cOpyright law. Access, creation, distribution, and consumption in a fairer interplay between public and private regulation
- The Impact of the Common Constitutional Traditions of EU Member States on the Process of Europeanisation of Tax Law
- Law, history and the human body - Per una storia giuridica del corpo umano